Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Wait

Ever since I started a new exclusive blog for Malayalam, 'Random Thoughts' have been behaving like an elder child, who just got a sibling in the family. It is feeling that I am pouring all my attention on the new baby and ignoring it in the process. It is getting jealous by the attention that is received by the new baby. But what do babies know about moms??? For a mother, all her children are equal. So, for all who think that I have deserted my first baby, here is the newest Random Thought:

Alone I sat, unaware of the sounds outside
Aware of the tickling moments of Solitude;
The breezy night at the other side of the window
Failed to bring the solitude and calmness to low!

The curtain flied to  me and hugged me
Along with it a cool breeze too came,
It kissed my cheeks, ruffled my hair - 
The soft kisses took me up in the air...

The fall has come and the withered leaves
Whispered  many a stories in my ears,
The dark sky promised a rain;
I waited for my beloved in vain!

I kept my door open for my beloved
I glanced to see him come homeward
But I didn't see him come -
Only a gentle breeze did come!

What if he is not with me today?
We would be together someday;
As those magic days dawn for us,
I will be happy that I am his!!!

image  courtesy: Google images


roopz said...

I too feel the same for my village girl!

village girl

Nisha said...

Hmmm, I guess there are a lot of similarities between us!Anyways, I know that your first blog will always be special and that it will continue to provide good reading...

Thanks for listening to Random Thoughts!!!

മലബാറി said...

Good One

Nisha said...

Thank you മലബാറി! Glad you liked it!

Sri Valli said...

Beautifully rhymed poem....Very delightful....Good work Nisha!

Nisha said...

Sree Valli, Thank you very much! Very happy to know that you liked it. Hope to see you @ Random Thoughts again!


ajith said...

Some children are more equal

Nisha said...

Hmmm, Ajith, I am not sure I understood what you meant by that. As a mother, both my children are equal to me. There might be someone for whom it is not the case, though!

© Mubi said...

Solitude of love... Well expressed Nisha

ajith said...

Didn't mean to confuse Nisha,
I have a premonition that you will be more dedicated to malayalam version

Nisha said...

ok... Got it now!!!

Nisha said...

Thank you Mubi! Happy to hear from you and glad to know that you liked it..

Anonymous said...

gud one nisha ..!!!

Anonymous said...

Your creations are as dear as your children. I liked the comparison. Sibling rivalry?? I don't think so. You will be able to handle all your blogs smoothly.
Eagerly waiting to read a poem about your children, 'literally'.

Nisha said...

Thank you, Anonymous!!!

Nisha said...

Thanks,after watching the children that was what came to my mind... Hopefully, I will be able to handle them all equally.

Well, lets see if that poem comes out soon :-)


"the fall has come and the withered leaves
Whispered many a stories in my ears,"

those lines, I felt more descriptive than few words -

Anisha said...

I can relate to this at the moment. I Just posted about the solitude of Love too. Beautiful!!

❤Not Just My Allegories❤

Rahul Bhatia said...

That was lovely writing Nisha and good to see you back nurturing the elder child:)

Nisha said...

Than you Raghu! Good to know that you liked it!!!

Nisha said...

Thanks Anisha! Good to have you here.... Would certainly peek into your world as well...Good Wishes!!!

Nisha said...

Thanks Rahul, for the encouraging words... First-borns are real special, aren't they?

Unknown said...

very well put.. nice finishing.. keep it up

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