Saturday, December 24, 2011


आसमान के गोदी में खिले हैं
हज़ारों तारें
सूनी सी राहों पे बिखर रहे हैं
झलक चाँदिनी की;
रजनी गंधा भी खिले हैं
रात की आँचल में...

मैं बैठी हूँ अम्बर को निहारे,
दूर बसे तारे,
जब मुझे देख के हँसने लगी 
तो मैं भी-
एक पल के लिए अपने ग़मों
को भूल गयी...

खुशियों के सौगात ले आई
यह तारे
अचानक खिल उठी मन की
गलियाँ सारी
तारों के तरह चमकने लगी
दिल में ख़ुशी

एक नए दिन की इंतज़ार हैं 
अब मुझे;
ज़िन्दगी के राहों पर ख़ुशी
से मैं चलूं 
नयी राह नयी दिशा; सब कुछ
नया ही लगे..

Thursday, December 22, 2011

First Love

My thoughts turn to you-
The first love of my life...
I was young and naive,
But I was too much in love..

You were dark and handsome,
Majestic, and awesome...
I could not be away from you  -
Every day I came running to you...

We spent hours together,
For me, you were always there
You lend me your ears,
And wiped away my tears...

When I heard your sound,
My heart used to pound...
I played with you, talked to you
I cried on you, and laughed too..

I couldn't think of a life without you
I thought I would die without you...
Yet when the years passed by,
We also parted and fell by...

Now when I see your cousins
Roaring down the roads herein,
My heart skips a beat and I
Fervently flashes over my eye

How I wish I could mount you
And talk till I fall asleep on you;
How I wish I could ride you
And feel the thrill of being with you....

To remember the good old days
When we were together always;
Now, how can I ever forget
My first love -my dear old Bullet!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Munnar Part 3

It has been a long time since my visit to Munnar. I  had written about it in two parts. For those of you who missed it, but would like to read it, here they are: 
Now that I think about it, I realize that I have a little more to share with you all on Munnar. As evident from my earlier posts, it is one of the most beautiful places that I have ever been to. And even after the passage of a considerable time, (three years to be precise), the place still holds me in its magical beauty!

It was on the last leg of our trip. In fact we were returning home when we chanced upon a board showing distance the to 'Attukal Falls'. Curious, we decided to do a small De-tour. We were not aware that there were any waterfalls nearby. Anyhow, we decided to check it out.

Located at a distance of merely 9kms away from Munnar, this falls is a part of the Pallivasal hydro electric project. It captures ones imagination from the very first sight and one cant help falling in love with the beauty!
The First View

Upon reaching near the falls, we found a rather narrow, rickety road and with some difficulty parked the car in the available space. There were warning boards that no one should attempt to go near the falls as that could be quite risky.
Closer look
 The water gushing down the huge rocks filled in me happiness untold. It seemed like there can be nothing better in life than getting lost in the natural beauty... As I listened to the splashes and booms of the water cascading down, I felt there is nothing that could take me away from this bounty of nature....
Cascading through the rocks...
Of course, it was impossible (at least for me) to go near the waters. Though it is beautiful from far, if one attempts to reach near, it might turn ugly. No one can know how powerful a gushing water can be; it might even be fatal...
Some times calm and sweet
The rocky terrain nearby provides a suitable setting for clicking photos or just gazing into the waters... One has to be extremely careful, though, not to slip.
Sometimes turbulent...
There were not much of people around. A lone tea stall served the few visitors who ventured near the falls with tea /coffee and local snacks. The owner and his family stays atop one of the rocks near the falls...
Flows the water unconcerned...
We spent some time taking in all the beauty of the place and clicking photos... Even after spending hours, one couldn't have enough of it... But at last, we had to move on... So, rather reluctantly, we got back to our car and drove off. But the beauty and charm of the place never really left me till now. Just recalling the experience refreshes the mind even today! Such is the charm that nature holds on us....

Friday, December 16, 2011

रूहानी गीत

दिल के दर्पण में मैंने जब 
उतारी उम्मीदों की छवियाँ;
तो दिखाई दिए मुझे झलक 
परमात्मा के पावन प्रेम का!

न मैं समझ पायी उनके 
अपार लीला को कभी भी;
पर यकीन मेरे दिल में हैं 
समझूँगी मैं भी एक दिन!

बस इक चाह हैं अभी दिल में
मोह माया में डूबकर यह मेरी
ज़िन्दगी कभी भी न हो जाए 
एक ही पल में  विध्वस्त !!! 

Award Time!!!

I was super thrilled when my fellow blogger Leo Paw informed me that I am being nominated for an award. Now I can appreciate the feelings of people who win nominations for Oscar better...  :-) I never thought getting a nomination would be such special a feeling! So Thanks to Leo Paw for this honor!

Though I don't have all the details, I understand that one has to follow the guidelines as under:
  • Nominate 15 Fellow Bloggers
  • Inform them about their nominations
  • Share 7 random things about oneself.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Add the picture of Versatile Blog Award in one's blog posts
Now I wish to pass on the honor to the following fellow bloggers:
  1. Jaya Madhavan for inspiring me to start blogging through her "Loony Life" 
  2. Leo Paw for his magnanimous  "Bigbitz" 
  3. Saru Singhal for her magical "Words"
  4. Joshi Daniel for creating magic in black & white through "Joshi Daniel's  Photography"
  5. Roopa K M for vocalizing the "Voice of a Village Girl"
  6. Deepa Gopal for her world of creative art work "Hues and Shades"
  7. Malini Rajesh for opening up unknown places through her "Travellenz"
  8. Anshul Dutt for telling stories in picture  through "Pixel Buffet"
  9. Magic eye for truly being the magical eye in "Mumbai Daily"
  10. Ranjith for the "Light hearted talk"
  11. Deepak Karthik for doing "Whatever it Takes"
  12. Rajkumar for sharing a lot of knowledge through an assortment of blogs like  "Elixir of Knowledge"
  13. Arti for taking me to various unknown and unseen places through "My Yatra Diary"
  14. Bijoy and his friends (Arun, SR, Sandy & Andy) for bringing nature close to me through the "Green Ogre"
  15. Preeti Shenoy for her wisdom in being "Just a Mother of Two"
Random Things about me? Well, here I go....
  1. Once I traveled sitting on the luggage rack in the general compartment of a train.
  2. I was nicknamed sleeping beauty by my friends as I used to sleep through the lectures at college.
  3. I don't enjoy routines.
  4. I forgot most of my dialogues while acting in drama @ college; needless to say, our drama got over in less than 10 minutes!
  5. I like organizing better than performing.
  6. Once, I didn't realize that there were glass doors in the hotel we were staying at, and banged straight into them, hurting my nose!!!
  7. I believe that "If something is worth doing, its worth doing well"
Phew! That's a lot about me.... Now, let me share the news with my friends who have made to my list. I wish I could add a few more, but...

Once again, Thank you Leo Paw!

Of Little Trips and Great Learnings

The other day, we (some staff, volunteers and service users of Mary Seacole House, Liverpool) went on a day trip to Llangollen. This wasn...