Thursday, December 1, 2011


I have found my pot of happiness
After having lost it in the strife..

A heart full of laughter,
A handful of joy,
Unlimited Love -
That is what I have...

Life is what I make it;
Not what I take...

Flowers, moon & sky-
All singing with joy!

Smiling, my heart too sings out-
O! I've found my joy!!!

Its all in my heart,
Its all in my being
As I spread my wings
And life blooms out...

Let me fly in the blue sky
With none, but Thy...

Let me be like this - now and ever;
Let me be here - forever!


M Ajoy Kumar said...

As John Keats wrote "A thing of beauty is a joy forever", you have narrated the beauty and joy of living in the above poem. Happy to read. Let your writings provide joy to the readers.

Nisha said...

Thank you sir! I have often found that it is easy to write about sorrow than happiness. The above poem was an attempt to portray the joy in life. Glad you liked it.

Rajesh said...

A happy piece from you...for a change! But then, the melancholic ones also have their own charm. As Shelley said, our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts!

Nisha said...

Yes, It was about time some happy vibes came from here... Somehow, it is easy to write on sorrow that joy!!!

LeoPaw said...

Let me be like this - now and ever;
Let me be here - forever!

Nisha said...

Thanks Leo!

Saru Singhal said...

Last lines blew me away Nisha. Simple yet so powerful. I wish even I could write something similar to this.

Lovely thought!

Nisha said...

Thank you Saru! Glad you liked it!

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