Thursday, October 11, 2012


As the day withered and the night bloomed
I got caught in feelings unexplained
Life churned like a whirlwind of emotions
Then I lost my hold to its deep craters...

A picture painted in lovely colours
Faded into grey in front of my eyes
A face that was etched in the memory
Was drained in the whirlpool of activity

As images fell and shattered into pieces,
The mind struggled to be whole and alive;
As the feet crushed my aspirations and dreams
The heart yearned to be up and beating...

As the silent cries it uttered went unheeded
The poor heart bled and drained out...
And the crimson droplets that fell upon the Earth
Sung a thousand hymns beautiful out loud.

Those who cared to listen could know the pain;
A shattered soul, a wounded heart, a fragile body -
All cried out loud - but the world seemed not to care
For it was lost in the din that crushed many more!!!


Unknown said...

A Nice Read

© Mubi said...

The entire world is too busy to hear the silent cries... A new day is born on the countless tears shed.

Good work

Nisha said...

Thanks, Sumesh! Good to know that you found it nice.

Nisha said...

Very true Mubi! Thanks!

Sureshkumar Punjhayil said...

For those who likes tooo...!

Good one. Best wishes...!!!

Nisha said...

Suresh, Thanks for the good words and Wishes!

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