Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Take Me Back...

I wish to travel back in time
Into the childhood of mine
When life was a peachy ride
Of many many a joyous tide.

Take me back once again
To the wonderful reign
Of innocence and love, 
Unbridled, and on the move...

Oh! how I wish to turn
A toddler once again
And rest my head gently
On my mother's lap lovely..

As I feel the warmth of her touch
I would feel pure love, as such 
And there I would remain forever
As if life has not moved ahead ever!!!

Precious are the moments of past;
As I look back, I feel lost!
For, Life has given me everything
But not the joy of my naive being!

Take me back yet again
Into the colourful lanes of teen;
Let me live my life once more
In the rainbow filled times of yore....

Picture courtesy: Google Images


ajith said...

Sometimes all the wishes may come true.

Who knows!

Manish Purohit said...

Loved this one to the the better works of yours, for sure !!


Unknown said...

Nice ...

Of Little Trips and Great Learnings

The other day, we (some staff, volunteers and service users of Mary Seacole House, Liverpool) went on a day trip to Llangollen. This wasn...