Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Books I read in 2020 #6

So, this week I literally read very little. All I can say is I have read a few more pages of the Ivory Throne and started reading a book on procrastination (which is halfway through) and finally started reading Heads You Win by Jeffrey Archer.

I enjoyed reading all of them and I hope to write a better review of these books next week. 

Although this was one of those weeks where I couldn't get enough reading done, I can't say I am hugely disappointed. On the contrary, I am at peace with myself - I knew a slump will occur sometime. Especially when I read non-fiction and on days when I am really busy with work, I knew reading would take a back seat. However, I don't intend to leave it there and so, this is not a failure or disappointment.

The main thing to remember is that like life, reading is also a journey - sometimes up, sometimes down. The key is not to remain stationary or think it is a lost cause. So, in that sense, this week has been a learning experience too.

That's all for now. Hope to be back next week with a better performance :)

Until then, you enjoy your reading journey... 

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