Thursday, March 1, 2012


Well, the title was reserved for a blog to be written when Tendulkar hit his hundredth ton... Seems that we will have to wait a little more for that. In the mean while, I reached this personal milestone of 100th entry in my Blog! Even though its not a historical or hyped event, but just a humble achievement of a rather unknown and uninspiring blogger, personally, it is a great achievement for me. What started as a time-pass has now become a passion. 

So, allow me to celebrate this small event. It is only proper that I express my gratitude to some important people who have helped me to reach this far.... I started out with no idea of what blogging is or how it is done. I was inspired by my friend Ranjith Menon to start a blog, way back in 2009 (I think). It was created and soon forgotten... Then for two years it lay dormant... I don't know what hit me, but in 2011 I started blogging like a man possessed ... and the result is that I am here at my 100th post today.

I learned a lot, earned a lot of friends, read a lot and more than anything else, enjoyed every moment of it. In the beginning, I was too timid and unsure, but gradually I got into the groove... I remember the times when I was disappointed to see that not even a single person has read my blog. I also remember how thrilled I was when Ashish, Dilip and Nithin became the first few to be my blog's followers (I love calling them my motivators). Thank you fellows, for providing the much needed motivation!!! And each comments that I received were like raindrops on a parched land...they helped me to go on...

I owe much to Roopa Karumarappatta for the way she has supported me and guided me... My efforts would have been really poor, had she not taught me few tricks of the trade and introduced me to hitherto unheard of avenues (believe me, I knew nothing on blogging then). So here's a big THANKS to you Roopa...

Over the time, many fellow bloggers have helped me to go on... Deepak Karthik always made it a point to leave some comment for me. Indiblogger has given me friends like Saru Singhal, Magiceye (Deepak), Rohit Singh, Rahul Bhatia, Megha Sarin, Arti, Engram, Indu Chibber, Alka, Rajkumar, Sangeeta Reghu, Rakesh Kumar, Hariharan Valady, Deepa Gopal and Dee who have always supported me. Priya Nambudiri, and of late, GK Sir have also provided me with a lot of encouragement through their words. Leo Paw is another friend who have always been a motivator with his insightful comments... I feel a bit strange that I don't even know his real name...Thank you all!!!

Ajoy Sir is an inspiring and exemplary figure for me ever since I've known him. Hence each opinion of his has been a value addition for me... My gratitude to him is boundless. Malini and Rajesh have been the greatest support back home, not only as elders, but also as fellow bloggers... A BIG Thank You! to you both.. Mohanan Moothringode is another person who has chipped in with his inspiring comments from time to time. Thank you Mohanetta!

I know that there are many others who read my blog, but have never commented on it. My gratitude goes to them as well! Just the knowledge that you are reading my blog is a motivation for me! Thank you folks!!! And to others, who have never ever read me, I hope that one day I'll be able to reach you and that you'll like what you see here on my blog...

I still don't know the secret of earning 100s of followers. Nor have I understood how people could wave magic with their words to make hundreds of people tell them what they felt on reading the post. Me, I am happy that I could at least achieve what I have achieved till now...and looking forward to many more hours of happy blogging!!!

A very special THANKS to my small band of 'motivators' for being there for me... You've all brought me great joy!!! Once again, Thank You to one and all!!! (Just in case I missed mentioning someone)

Lastly, Thanks to Google Family (Blogger, Google, Google Images) and for providing me with the tools for making my blog more interesting!!!


roopz said...

Great achievement...Thanks for giving me a space in your post though I did not do anything much except telling you all that I know.You are an amazing writer.Keep going.All the Best :)

village girl

Nisha said...

Sharing what one knows is something that we dont do often.. Somehow we have become less of a giver and more of a receiver...Hence, your gesture is highly appreciated...

Thanks for the confidence and keep coming back often!

GK said...

Writing even just one paragraph is a Himalayan task for me! but for you its a precipitation during monsoon...

roopz said...

Sure... :)

Ashish Nambudiri said...


Hearty Congratulations on achieving this milestone. Let me tell you that this in no way is a trivial achievement.... The way you come up with varied topics to discuss and the way you've presented them are just commendable...

Also it's equally commendable that you have actually managed to keep blogging and have not remained just a starter. Normally one is quite enthusiastic at the beginning. But to keep up the enthusiasm and stick to writing regularly is quite a different commodity. Hats off to you for having done that....

Wish You All the Best!! Looking forward to more and more interesting 'Random Thoughts' :-)


Anonymous said...


Congratulations! There is a lot of dedication to your writing.
You are a Master Juggler, for sure.
I liked the way GK sir has put it. I don't think there is anything more to add to that.
And thanks for the mention.

Rajesh said...

Nisha, a big congrats! So, you beat Sachin to it! On a more serious note, one of the most appreciable things about your blog is the variety that you bring to it. Whether it is anecdotes, thoughts, poetry, photos or your sketches, it's the complete package. But the fact that you pull off those delightful pieces in all of 3 languages must make your blog absolutely unique! Wonder how many more are there out there which can be called multifaceted and multilingual.

And all that can't happen with such consistency if you weren't so committed and consistent. A big thumbs up to that. Keep going...the thousand mark is beckoning :-) All the best!!!

Nisha said...

Thank you very much Ashish!!! Glad to know that you've liked what you saw here... As I said in my blog, you also played a crucial part in taking the blog forward and I am greatful!!!

Keep coming back, and I hope that I wont disappoint you...

Dee........ said...

Wow cute post Nisha Ji :)
Thanks for mentioning me on this wonderful moment...
Lets rock to 1000's and beyond :)
heartfelt congratulations :)

Nisha said...

Thank you GK Sir for your encouraging words!!! I am Honoured!

Nisha said...

Thank you Maliniedathi!!! It means a lot for me... Cant thank you enough!!!

Nisha said...

Thank You Rajeshetta!! Feels great when I hear such good things from you... Am honoured and humbled at the same time... Thank You!!

Nisha said...

Thank you Karthik!!! You always make it a point to let me know what you think of my posts... So, it is my honour to mention you... Thanks for all your support!!! Hope for more in the future too...

Maliny said...

hey congrats on your 100th post . . keep writing :)

Nisha said...

Thank you Maliny! Keep visiting :-)

Rahul Bhatia said...

Congratulations, Nisha for the accomplishment! A special thanks for mentioning my name in your blog:) Wishing you many more accolades in time to come... Keep blogging!

Nisha said...

Thank You! It was only befitting that I mentioned your name for the support you gave me..Thanks a lot!

Nimisha said...

Brilliant feat..:) You inspire us all! :)

Nisha said...

Thank you! Glad to know that :-)

ajith said...

Congrats Nisha. Wish you many more 100s.

Deepa Gopal said...

Congratulations Nisha!!!!!!!!!!
100 posts, is a commendable effort.
It's quite nice to see that you have mentioned us's your effort girl which brings us to your blog. Due to lack of time, I am unable to be here as I would like to be.But surely my prayers and wishes are always with you :)))
Hope you celebrate many more hundreds(posts and followers:))

Nisha said...

Thank you Ajith! I hope that the good wishes from all of you would carry me forward...

Nisha said...

Thank you Deepa! This is my way of showing my gratitude to the handful of people who provided me the motivation to carry on... It would have been incomplete without you...

I am glad that despite your busy schedule you find time to drop in here and share some encouraging words.. Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers ( I'll need them in future too).. Hope to keep the thoughts flowing in... :-)

sumitra said...

Haha, looks like we hit our century together! :) Congratulations and happy for you. Hope you blog a lot more for many years to come.

Nisha said...

:-)) Thank you Sumitra! It is really an exciting milestone... Hope I can carry on...

Leo Paw said...

:) Congratulations Dear.
Thank you. You left me totally flabbergasted tagging me in your 100th post.
This is a real milestone (I've nt crossed 1/2 century yet). I appreciate the hard work and perseverance that you put in. It is your variety and uniqueness that brings us back here. Love being LeoPaw. Since you wnt to know more, there is a clue with this comment for you. :)
You are a true versatile writer. Best of luck.

Nisha said...

Thank you Leo, for the good words and wishes! You totally deserve the 'tagging'. All the people I've tagged has helped me to stay focused and committed to Blogging... especially when I needed some encouragement... So, it was only fair on my part to acknowledge them!

Don't worry about the nos. They'll come... I am sure that you'll also reach many milestones soon. I had a lot of free time earlier and that is one of the main reasons for reaching the 100th post. It is not quantity that matters, but quality, which you have in plenty...

BTW, Thanks for the clue... Though I love mysteries, I am no good in solving them... Anyways, let me put my grey cells to work!!! :-)

Thanks once again!

Rahul Palulli said...

Congrats on ur century.
Hope many more interesting posts follow...

Rahul Palulli said...

Congratulations !!!
A century is special indeed !
Hope many more interesting posts follow...

Nisha said...

Thank you Rahul! I too hope so!

Nisha said...

Thank you once again! Happy that you dropped in. :-)

Mohanan Moothiringode said...

Rather late, I'm afraid, but still! Thanx for mentioning my name. That should motivate me to follow your blog even more avidly.

Nisha said...

Better Late than Never!!! Glad to hear from always! Hence the mention....

Hope you stay motivated forever :-)

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