Tuesday, March 13, 2012


As I awoke into Bliss,
A smile stayed on my lips,
My heart missed some beats-
Ever Happy to be his...

Where true love blossoms,
You and Me became US...
The world changes its ways
To encompass all in its realms...

Love has bestowed wings
To fly high in the skies...
Lighter, I float, as a feather
Along the blue clouds yonder...

Love stays on forever -
Renders us stronger...
Completing each other,
Never does it disappear!!!

Image Courtesy: Google Images


Dee........ said...

Wah wah..
loves stays on forever.
beautiful :)

Nisha said...

Yes Deepak! Love stays on forever.... Thanks!

indu chhibber said...

Very true-love can really bestow wings!Fly high my dear !

ajith said...

For love is as strong as death...Many waters cannot quench love ( Song of songs, in Bible)

Unknown said...

beautiful !

Nisha said...

Yes, it can... am flying!!! Thanks Indu! :-)

Nisha said...

Yes, love is the strongest of emotions...

Nisha said...

Thank You Alka!

LeoPaw said...

"Love. That's the only scale on which you can measure life." This is something that I said while was in my high school and all my friends gave me strange looks and broke out laughing. You can't blame them. What else can I expect when the sudden enlightenment occurs in a mathematics class?

Upasana said...

Awww...its beautiful! Love stays on forever...

My world, my thoughts, my musings...

Nisha said...

LOL! I could visualize the 'strange looks'... But, there is a truth in your 'enlightening' words, I must say.

PS: Good to have you back here...

Nisha said...

Thank You Upansana!! I am glad to know that you liked it!

Zach said...

Wow!Another beautiful poem. As the Bard says "As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words". Even the harshest words cannot detract your love.

Nisha said...

Thank You Zach!!! Love is indeed a powerful emotion!!

Dr.Fasil Mohammed said...

Jus loved your random thots :)
olive homeopathy

Dr.Fasil Mohammed said...

jus loved it :)
olive homeopathy

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