Friday, June 22, 2018

Life's teachings

Life is a great teacher. One moment it makes you smile and the other, it brings tears. But, whether it is smiles or tears, there is always a lesson for us. Wise are those who learn from these and emerge stronger from each experience.

Yet, sometimes you pause or look back at the life and find yourself asking - why did it happen to me? The answer is perhaps you needed that learning. I have come to believe that behind each experience in life, there is a learning. Thankfully, you don't have to go through all the experiences in life to learn a new lesson.  The beauty of it is - you can learn from others too. However, if you don't learn from others' experience, you may have to learn it all the hard way.

So, as I look back at my life, I do regret some of my decisions and marvel at how stupid I was to make them. But, at the same time, the experiences those decisions gave me are priceless. Yes, you gain some wisdom as you grow old. And yet, the greatest wisdom is not to lose the child in us.

The greatest happiness is not in big things. It lies in small things. Sometimes a mundane thing as a flower in the neighbour's garden or a bird appearing out of nowhere can bring you a flash of happiness. Likewise, hearing from a long-lost friend or rediscovering the joy of a long forgotten hobby can bring a fresh life to you.

As for me, I am trying to look at life and what it offers me with an open mind. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. I learn a lot more from my failures than from my success. Its life's lessons learned the hard way that stays on with you.

Each new day is a gift - what we do with it is entirely upon us. We can cherish it and use it in the best way. Or else, we can just waste it and regret later. Although very few people ever realise it, the truth is, to a great extent the power to be happy or otherwise remains with you. If you choose to be happy and positive, not many things can deter you from it.

Also, each people you meet in life comes to you with a lesson. Whatever they brought you, you needed. Be it friendship, love, happiness or even sorrow. Next time you feel low, take a deep breath and tell yourself: 'It is ok, this happened because I needed the learning. Let me learn my lesson and move ahead." When you do this instead of wailing in self-pity and sorrow, you'll find that life is not as bad as it seemed.

Try to find happiness in small things - even a wildflower can fill your mind with joy - only if you open your eyes and heart to it. Likewise, be thankful for the little things you have rather than worrying about things you don't have. An attitude of gratitude can make a lot of difference in the way we look at things. 

To make a difference, all you need is a smile. Give yourself your prettiest smile and tell you are an amazing person. Believe in yourself and you'll soon find the world believing in you. As the pieces begin to fit into the puzzle, you'll discover the amazing picture called life. When you do that, live it to your fullest. Everything you need is there - it's waiting to be discovered. Go ahead and find it!


Of Little Trips and Great Learnings

The other day, we (some staff, volunteers and service users of Mary Seacole House, Liverpool) went on a day trip to Llangollen. This wasn...