Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Change...

It seems to me that it was only yesterday that I was grumbling about the New Year being rather dull. Life took a drastic turn soon after that, and I am finding myself struggling to connect to Blogosphere. No, nothing untoward has happened. On the contrary, I was offered a job!

Since I was fed up of channel / net surfing for hours, and wasting time by waiting for something really interesting to appear on my Facebook wall, I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. Since then, I have not had a dull moment. 

Working from home has its merits - no fixed work timings, no rushing in the morning traffic, no boss breathing down one's neck....But the flexible schedule is also a headache at times, especially when work and other house-hold chores clash.

But I am not complaining. I am confident of making suitable adjustments to my schedule that nothing that matters would suffer. The best part of this assignment is that it keeps me busy, and away from the idiot box. Of late, I had been spending more and more time as couch potato, watching re-runs of stupid movies or even the saas-bahu sagas (How horrifying!!!!) 

The new year has indeed brought a new beginning to me. Now I hope and pray that it is equally good for my friends and family too...


Deepak Karthik said...

too busy ah ji ??
bit busy i guess :)
good happy year all around :)

Nisha said...

yes Deepak! Isn't it evident from the fact that I am posting on my blog after almost a week??? :-)

Saru Singhal said...

Great, a job within your parameters...Good Luck, new year started a good note...

Nisha said...

Thank you Saru for the Good Wishes!!!

Priya sudeep said...

great to hear ..i would also love to do something like that soon..

Nisha said...

Yes, It is a great feeling... But no time for anything else. Still, better than doing nothing!!!

M Ajoy Kumar said...

My Best Wishes...Nisha. I hope you enjoy the new assignment.

Nisha said...

Sir, Thank you very much for the good wishes!

Deepa Gopal said...

Congratulations Nisha...and Best Wishes:)

Nisha said...

Thank you Deepa!

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