Saturday, May 21, 2011

Missing You...

I wish I could come to you;
Into your outstretched arms
Feel less of you and me; more of US;
Accept a bear hug from you....
Perhaps we could tell some tales 
Some wonderful, some silly....
And be a part of those tales-
So that the heart wont feel hefty

Or we could just walk hand in hand
In the moonlit night
Amidst that pathway
Discovering new joys together...
I'd love to walk on and on to the end
Hand in hand, taking in the beauty of the night
Secretly being happy 
For having you as mine forever!

I wish I could come to you;
But distanced we are,
At the moment
Though you are in my thoughts,
I long for wings that'd take me to you
To whatever place you are,
Never separated from you
Always in your arms...

Of Little Trips and Great Learnings

The other day, we (some staff, volunteers and service users of Mary Seacole House, Liverpool) went on a day trip to Llangollen. This wasn...