Thursday, December 22, 2011

First Love

My thoughts turn to you-
The first love of my life...
I was young and naive,
But I was too much in love..

You were dark and handsome,
Majestic, and awesome...
I could not be away from you  -
Every day I came running to you...

We spent hours together,
For me, you were always there
You lend me your ears,
And wiped away my tears...

When I heard your sound,
My heart used to pound...
I played with you, talked to you
I cried on you, and laughed too..

I couldn't think of a life without you
I thought I would die without you...
Yet when the years passed by,
We also parted and fell by...

Now when I see your cousins
Roaring down the roads herein,
My heart skips a beat and I
Fervently flashes over my eye

How I wish I could mount you
And talk till I fall asleep on you;
How I wish I could ride you
And feel the thrill of being with you....

To remember the good old days
When we were together always;
Now, how can I ever forget
My first love -my dear old Bullet!!!


Winnie John Wilson said...

Pretty nice . . :) sometimes i do feel d same for my old toys.. Still i kept some safe on my cupboard.. Sometimes i talk to dem sometimes i wished tat if life had a reverse button.. So i can go bak nd tell many tat u were meant so much to me..

Nisha said...

Thanks Winnie! I was very attached to my dad's bike... Missing it badly.

roopz said...

Nice poem Nishedathi :)
Keep writing!

village girl

Anonymous said...

I liked the build up of the poem.

Nisha said...

@ Roopz, Thank you... Nice to have you back!

Nisha said...

Mailini Edathi, I am so pleased to know that you liked it... Thank you!!!

Deepak Karthik said...

pretty simple and touchy :)
well expressed !

Nisha said...

Thanks Deepak for the good words

M Ajoy Kumar said...

Excellent...I liked the flow and the final blow!!

Nisha said...

Ajoy Sir! Thanks... Had been wanting to write something different for long. And then,this happened!
Very Happy to know you liked it :-)

Rajesh said...

This one's a cracker! The twist in the tale was well delivered. I suddenly became wistful and remembered my first bike.

Nisha said...

Ha ha Ha... everybody seems to have had their imaginations wild in the beginning!! I have not got so many comments for one post! (Guess I am getting into the groove)

But yes, the "first" will always be special - be it a car or bike...

anju said...

nice one nisha..

Nisha said...

Thank you Anju

Deepa Gopal said...

Well written, Nisha...loved the twist!
Happy to see you get connected and becoming one of the clan:)

Nisha said...

Thanks Deepa! Glad you liked it...

Arun kumar said...

dear friend
on reding i feel like paragraph lines experienced quick 'enter'.There was no imagination. was like narrating a situation. nothing interesting.
try better

Arun kumar said...

dear friend
on reding i feel like paragraph lines experienced quick 'enter'.There was no imagination. was like narrating a situation. nothing interesting.
try better

Arun kumar said...

Too bad as a poem, feels like a narrating an incident.nothing to say as poem

Nisha said...

Trickmaster! Thank you very much for your opinion... I dont claim to be an accomplished writer. So, it is quite natural that some people find my writing not interesting. I am glad that you took time to let me know your thoughts.
And yes, I am striving to be better... Hope that one day you will find something interesting here...

Saru Singhal said...

LOL Nisha, super fun poem. I guess guys would love it!

LeoPaw said...

Super cool. Had fun reading it. Would have been even more twisty if the last 4 lines were said before you mentioned bullet.

Nisha said...

Thanks Saru! Glad you liked it...

Nisha said...

Leo, Thanks! On hind sight, I do agree with you!

Sangeeth vinayakan said...

അനില്‍ നമ്പൂതിരി മാഷിന്റെ ഒരു കഥയുണ്ട് ഇതിനോട് സാമ്യമുള്ളത്... bullet എന്ന് പറയാതെ തന്നെ അവസാനിപ്പിക്കാമായിരുന്നു.. Really good one.. :)

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