Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The misty morning brought to me
Memories of the winter gone by;
I was more happy then
My love and I were together when!

Life seems to have lost it's charm
Nothing can do me more harm
Than being away from my Love;
For, life is lost without Love.

The dew drops are nothing but my tears,
The dark night engulf me in fears;
I yearn for my beloved tonight
Like I have ached for anyone yet!

Come, hug me and keep me warm,
Yours till the eternity, I am;
The world is worthless without you,
As I can't even breathe without you!

Of Little Trips and Great Learnings

The other day, we (some staff, volunteers and service users of Mary Seacole House, Liverpool) went on a day trip to Llangollen. This wasn...